Wednesday 9 April 2008

Why Dont You Drive Instead?

A question I often get asked is 'why by bike?'. It's hard to sell the idea of bicycle touring to a non-cyclist. The idea of cycling to the local shops is often a frightening thought to them. So upon hearing of my upcoming 4500 mile journey, they damn near explode trying to process it. Truth is though, the physical act of biking 60+ miles a day is often the easiest part.

Yes I could drive and probably complete the journey in a few weeks as opposed to a few months but where would the fun be in that. Driving at 50 mph the scenery just passes you by in a blur and is gone in an instant. Whereas on a bike going 10mph you are a part of the scenery and you appreciate it a whole lot more. You smell the smells, hear the sounds and feel the wind, rain and sun upon your face.

Travelling by bike means you are exposed to a whole lot more and are instantly accessible to the local people. Who are often curious about the crazy guy on a bike and are only too willing to help you out and wish you luck.

On my last tour countless people came up to me just to ask where I was headed and helped me with directions, I had beers brought for me, food and drink given to me, a pair of cycling shorts donated to me and even a handful of condoms given to me for 'the Scandinavian girls' as he put it. I never got the opportunity to use them sadly.

I had a much richer experience by travelling on a bike and I still think about that tour almost everyday and it was 8 months ago. I don’t think I’ve thought of any other form of holiday that I've had for more than a week after returning. I am officially hooked for life.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good good good......